05 Juni 2005


So the purpose of this blog is to post little observations I have that I think are smart or worthwhile, but aren't quite worth hitting everybody over the head with a mass email. That would pretty much encompass the entire summer, since everybody goes somewhere that's not school in the summer, but not everybody writes mass emails. However, since I'm a fat egoist, I'm going to use the excuse of going abroad in the fall to send occasional messages.

Observation #1: As pretty much everybody who will listen knows, I absolutely hate my job. The only saving grace is that it pays. However, the new twist is that the people in the office are extremely annoying. Particularly this new guy. The problem is that he combines this grating and abrasive type of forced friendliness with a bunch of interests that I find pretty much despicable. Most people at CSS are obsessed with consumerism, consumerism, consumerism and alcohol. All they do is buy things like flat screen TVs, lawn mowers and property. Additionally, they all go to happy hour and get trashed. That's exactly what we need: 40 year olds getting drunk in the middle of the day. I've never needed a buddy to talk politics with more. Kos and Yglesias have become very good friends.

Observation #2: Another puny work related observation. I was going to cut my hair, because it's getting a little shaggy and I want to look pro in the white collar environment. However, I'm going to let it grow, because it's a nice way silently sticking to all the prematurely bald, fat men that roam the office.

Oh, this may seem like minutiae, but I'm almost done with another book. I highly reccommend Goedel Escher Bach by Douglas Hofstadter. It's certainly not for everybody, but if you like philosophy, logic or number theory (woohoo) and want an entertaining read with some really bright ideas, do check it out.

LSAT studying hasn't gone anywhere at all, for those scoring at home.

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