I brought my headphones to work, and I was really excited to try out Air America Radio. Progressive talk? Some intelligent banter that leans to the left and with a few little shots at Bush... it would have made my day. Unfortunately, I found Al Franken and his cohosts to be utter hacks. You can get mad at the right-wingers for just parroting administration talking points. The left doesn't even have talking points, though, so Franken's show is just a big bunch of Frist/Bush bashing crap. The depressing fact is that most of the left is no less hackish than the right. Is Paul Begala really any more reasonable than Tucker Carlson? Are Atrios and Gilliard less full of shit than Powerline and Captain's Quarters, just because I happen to agree with them? What we're left with is the depressing fact that the only outlet that actually tries to get to the facts of any matter is CPB. And now there's a wingnut in charge of that too. What follows is an indication of my boredom: it's a categorization of media outlets by bias and quality.
Right wing talking points argued hackishly; don't bother:
Little Green Footballs
Michelle Malkin
Hugh Hewitt
Fox News
Michael Savage
Right wing, slightly more reasonable:
Wall Street Journal opinions page
Lean right; highly recommend:
Andrew Sullivan
Jesus' General
Dead center:
Washington Post
NY Times (Not opinions page)
Wall Street Journal (Not opinions Page)
Public Radio
Lean left; very good:
Matthew Yglesias
NY Times opinions
Liberal hacks; don't bother:
Air America Radio
Far left, but still must read:
And the place from which everybody should get all their political information:
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