This is how we roll.

Well, we act pretty irresponsibly when left to our own devices (even if for only forty minutes in some random town). Where the HELL is Kempten? Actually, it's in
Allgäu, but who's keeping score?
We hiked up a cool mountain called the
Pfänder. There's also a lift, but that's for sissies. Lindau proper is on the island you can barely make out through the haze.
Of course the delicious berry schnapps came with.

I get a close look at some of the local wildlife. It's important to note that there are fields and livestock everywhere. The only difference between this and the rural USA is that you won't get shot by vigilantes.

Got a few minutes before the train back to Lindau? Hit it, Alia!

The Lindau harbor and historic lighthouse are the big tourist attractions. It's also a family oriented harbor. You have to bring your own adult beverages.

Kein Alkohol ist auch keine Lösung. Time to go home.

Whuwhuwhuwait! Look what Alia found!

Now it's actually time to go home. Here's the trip scorecard:
People: 2
Days: 3
Fifths of liquor consumed: 2
Train stations where liquor was consumed: 3 (Immenstadt, Kempten, Bregenz)
Mountains climbed: 1
Fun had: A significant amount
1 Kommentar:
Mmm, awesome, what fun. That first picture of you is very artistic.
Plus, there's something else I must say: HAVANA CLUB!!!
Nevermind that it was just the 3 year.
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