So I went to the store and bought a bunch a different kinds of beer in hopes of trying them out. Here's what I came up with:
1) Augustiner Hell: My favorite light beer. Not too hoppy, not too malty. Just about right.
2) Paulaner Hell: See above. Just not quite as good.
3) Hofbräu Hell: Not close to Paulaner. Waaayyyy too wheaty.
4) Spaten Munchner Hell: Just not all that tasty.
5) Hacker Pschorr Hell: Far too hoppy. Not very good at all.
This is just the light beers. I actually like dark beers better, but I haven't given those as thorough a test. So if you're in Munich for a day or two, stick to Augustiner and Paulaner (at least that's my advice).
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